125 mm CV

125 mm CV

Imitation ammunition designed for tank cannon D-81, which perfectly imitates loading and firing of combat ammunition. Energy created during shooting is sufficient for automatic function of the weapon in extreme temperatures. In regards of the minimal danger zone (100 m) costs for training are only fraction of costs necessary for firing with combat warhead.

Type 125 mm ECv
Weight of special plug 10,4 kg
Lenght of projectile 500 mm
Weight of the propelling charge  6 kg
Danger area 100 m
Sound effect created 110 dB
Semi-combustible cartridge  
Cartridge weight 9,5 kg
Cartridge lenght  408 mm
Lenght of the steel cartridge case  140 mm

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    125 mm CV

    Legend :

    • 1. 125 Imitation projectile
    • 2. Upper casing
    • 3. Inner casing
    • 4. Decopper
    • 5. Upper igniter
    • 6. Combustible mantel
    • 7. Powder charge
    • 8. Bottom igniter
    • 9. Priming screw